Thanks for being concerned about the welfare of horses.  We take horse welfare seriously through a dedicated team of volunteer welfare officers who want to make sure that, where appropriate, horses are rescued if they are suffering from maltreatment, poor circumstances or ill usage.

This is where you can help, we are all volunteers and it would speed up our ability to respond correctly if you could support these volunteers by providing as much information as possible.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Please describe the situation including any known ownership contact details, the number of horses and any identifying marks, colours, etc.

Please attach photos in jpg or png format of the horses that demonstrate your concern. The maximum file size is 1MB.

As you can appreciate, often horses are in locations where there is no road name or obvious postcode. To aid our welfare officers could you provide the GPS location coordinates so they can find the right place quickly. GPS coordinates can be found using Google Maps or the Compass app on your iPhone.

Support for finding the GPS coordinates can be found by following these links.  The information in the links is not provided or maintained by Help For Horses UK.  These links will open a new tab or window in your browser